Celebrating slow fashion with playful brand design. Ponchito Across design, animation and photograhy, we created the brand for Ponchito: a small Australian label creating sustainably made ponchos for...
Step into the forest. Elk Bar Sydney’s Elk Bar invited us to deliver a dynamic brand for their new cocktail bar. The result? Dark and moody landscapes meet velvety visuals on an eye-catching...
ARG brandingand website. Australian Retail Group A fresh new brand identity for Australian Retail Group (ARG), including design photography and a new...
Pro1 branding, website & photography. Pro1 Group Clean lines and bold type define the Pro1 website. Completing the branding, photography, web design, build and more, we collaborated with Pro1 to deliver a concise visual identity and...
Brand refresh. KOR Beginning with the existing logo, the main aim was to position KOR as the industry leader in water jetting and hydro excavation. The new branding and collateral is sophisticated and professional to create a cohesive...