Delivering a dynamic sub-brand. Australian Flooring Supplies With an elevated industrial feel, we designed and created the Urban Collective sub-brand for...
Celebrating slow fashion with playful brand design. Ponchito Across design, animation and photograhy, we created the brand for Ponchito: a small Australian label creating sustainably made ponchos for...
Student housing rights campaign. La Trobe Student Untion Low-fi illustrations lead the way on this campaign empowering La Trobe students to understand their renting...
Empowering diversity with bold branding. Careers in Colour The new Careers in Colour brand needed to vibrant and dynamic, empowering their community and engaging B2B audiences. With nods to mind-mapping and ideation, the final identity is bold and bright. We...
Fresh Coat campaign. Higgins Coatings Targeting young adults and school leavers, we developed a modern and dynamic sub-brand for Higgins. Featuring on-trend illustrative styles, Fresh Coat delivers a refreshing and engaging visual...
ARG brandingand website. Australian Retail Group A fresh new brand identity for Australian Retail Group (ARG), including design photography and a new...